competitive advantage

competitive advantage
конкурентное преимущество
а) эк. (качество, дающее потенциальное превосходство над конкурентами на рынке, в спорте и т. п.)

competitive advantage consultant — консультант в области конкурентного преимущества

Wal-Mart competitive advantage — конкурентное преимущество компании "Уолл-Март"

A personal view of where my competitive advantage lies. — Личное видение того, на чем базируется мое конкурентное преимущество.

б) упр. (в стратегическом управлении: одна из ключевых характеристик для формирования деловой стратегии; является результатом двух параметров: качественных характеристик продукта и относительных затрат на его производство)
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преимущество товара или компании
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конкурентное преимущество
свойство товара иметь большее предпочтение в глазах потребителя, чем подобный товар конкурента

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "competitive advantage" в других словарях:

  • Competitive advantage — is defined as the strategic advantage one business entity has over its rival entities within its competitive industry. Achieving competitive advantage strengthens and positions a business better within the business environment. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • competitive advantage — ➔ advantage * * * competitive advantage UK US noun [C or U] ECONOMICS ► the conditions that make a business more successful than the businesses it is competing with, or a particular thing that makes it more successful: »The question is how to… …   Financial and business terms

  • Competitive Advantage — An advantage that a firm has over its competitors, allowing it to generate greater sales or margins and/or retain more customers than its competition. There can be many types of competitive advantages including the firm s cost structure, product… …   Investment dictionary

  • competitive advantage — An advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and better servicing facilities that could justify higher prices. This may be achieved by creative… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • competitive advantage — /kəmˌpetɪtɪv əd vɑ:ntɪdʒ/ noun a factor that gives a special advantage to a nation, company, group, or individual when it is competing with others …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • competitive advantage — noun something that places a company or a person above the competition …   Wiktionary

  • sustainable competitive advantage — UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE, MARKETING an advantage that allows a business to be more successful than its competitors over a long period of time: »Companies now recognize that good human resources are as important as products in building a… …   Financial and business terms

  • advantage — ad‧van‧tage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ ǁ ədˈvæn ] noun [countable, uncountable] something that helps you to be better or more successful than others: • America s lead in aerospace is one of its most important competitive advantages. • Government subsidies give …   Financial and business terms

  • Competitive heterogeneity — is a concept from strategic management that examines why industries do not converge on one best way of doing things. Microeconomics predicts that competition will result in industries composed of identical firms offering identical products at… …   Wikipedia

  • competitive intelligence — comˌpetitive inˈtelligence also comˌpetitor inˈtelligence noun [uncountable] MARKETING the process of finding, analyzing, and using information about businesses that are competing with you, or the information that has been obtained from this… …   Financial and business terms

  • advantage — noun 1 thing that helps ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, overwhelming ▪ clear, decided, decisive …   Collocations dictionary

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